3 Social Networking Sites That You Probably Don’t Know About
Everyday in the media we hear about social networking sites. A different site seems to pop up every day. Here are three social networking sites that you have probably don’t know about, and would want to know more about in your quest to understand social media.
MLM Social – This network is dedicated to network marketers. It is a fast, growing site, where thousands of network marketers gather to discuss issues relevant to their business. Whether it is how to get more prospects for your business, or what not to do in the industry this site is a tremendous resource for those looking to connect with their MLM peers.
Plaxo – OK, so this might be a website that you have heard of. Remember Sean Parker, founder of Napster and the first president of Facebook. Well, he also had another important role in this company as it’s founder. He helped found Plaxo as a social address-book that integrated with Microsoft Outlook. Sean Parker is long gone, but this network remains active and has a good user base.
Alikelist – This is a cool location based social network. It links up with your Facebook connections, and you get to tell your connections, which locations you like best. People can check out locations by friends and also by category.
OK, so I could spend the entire day creating a list of sites that you have not heard of, but I want to make sure that the social networks that I listed were useful and beneficial in your search for social media glory! So take a look at least at one of the three of these sites, and take it off your list of social networking sites you did not know about.